A few weeks back, a man came into Gallery 180 to take a look at the current exhibition of work by Nancy Rosen. He was in the midst of a passionate discussion with a female companion when I approached the pair and asked if they had any questions about the work. Paul Wandless introduced himself as a Professor of Art at Harold Washington College. We had a brief discussion and the conversation concluded with a request. Wandless asked if it would be alright to bring his students to Gallery 180 to see Rosen's work. He wanted to use the exhibition as an example of beautiful liner quality within fine art. I agreed.
Well, today was the day. But there was a little surprise. I had contacted Rosen to see if she was interested in speaking to the group. I would have given the students a good overview of the work, but I knew it would be beneficial for them to get the information directly from the Artist. Rosen was wonderful. Not only did she give a quick history of her career as an Artist, but she also spoke openly about the materials she uses and her unconventional process. She was an intriguing speaker.
The Nancy Rosen exhibition closes on Saturday. If you haven't yet had an opportunity to see this show, you only have a few days left. Gallery 180 of The Illinois Institute of Art-Chicago is located at 180 N. Wabash in Chicago's Loop. The gallery hours are from 9-6 Monday through Friday and 9-5 on Saturday. Additional work by Nancy Rosen can be seen at: nrosen.com. Also check out Rosen's wonderful studio tour on flickr
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful surprise for the class. I would have loved that same opportunity while working on my Art History Degree as well. It does raise your level of passion when you get a chance to talk to the creator of the art work. Art a life long passion.
All creative endeavors come alive when the live human element is present....human touch nothing like it, I say.