The National Juried exhibition, titled "red"—currently on display in Gallery 180 of The Illinois Institute of Art-Chicago—will be coming to a close in just a few days. If you have not yet had the opportunity to visit the gallery, make the time to see this relatively small but very beautiful show. Consisting of fourteen artist from around the country, this show delivers something for almost everyone. The selected pieces range from the cleverly symbolic paintings of Lorraine Sack and Richard Laurent to the powerful, geometric, color-saturated photographs of Jennifer Jackson and steel sculpture of Michael Stanley. The show includes two beautifully painted still life studies by, Catherine Maize as well as a breathtaking photorealistic portrait by Ming Zhou. The amazing diversity of work—presented in this exhibition of national fine artists—provides a beautiful and creative look at the use of the color "red".
The show is free to the public and the exhibited work is available for purchase. Gallery 180 of The Illinois Institute of Art is located at 180 North Wabash—at the corner of Lake and Wabash—in Chicago’s Loop. The exhibition will conclude on November 11th.
Image: Michael Stanley "Red" steel and paint, 10x7.5x6", $800
I was just in Chicago this past weekend! I now wish I would have stopped by Gallery 180. Sounds like it was a fabulous show!