Christopher Shoup, one of the ten artists who’s work was selected to for inclusion into the photo ’11 exhibition at Gallery 180 of The Illinois Institute of Art-Chicago, was featured in a nine minute NPR radio story this past weekend. The interview gives insight into Shoup’s process and a little background information on the selection process of the photo '11 exhibition.
"photo ’11" opened this past Friday with a catered reception, courtesy of the Institute’s Culinary School. The exhibition continues through March 3rd and the commissions from all sales will be donated directly to Heartland Alliance for their work toward Human Rights. The exhibition can also be viewed online at gallery180.com
Please feel free to contact me directly for purchase inquires.
Image: foreground: Christopher Shoup, Rock Pile, Purple Asters, Salina Township 24” x 24” • 2010 [edition of 10] $700.
Background images: Debbie Yost… More on Yost in future posts.
Bonne continuation et toutes mes félicitations... Bises