I've known Andrea Harris since my days at The Fine Arts Building Gallery. She is a wonderful artist and quite a prolific painter. Andrea has worked with a few different subjects but the most interesting to me are her landscapes. Most of her images are created on canvas with oil and wax. The above image, which is included in the "From Nature" exhibition at Gallery 180 of The Illinois Institute of Art-Chicago, is twenty-four inches square and titled "Beyond the Clearing". This image has a loose, impressionistic feel yet created with muted earth tones. The image evokes a quite feeling of tranquillity. The painting is available for $1,200.
I spent some time, talking with Andrea when she dropped off her work for the "From Nature" exhibition. She has been compiling a book which documents this work. A book signing is scheduled for the fall to coincide with a show of her works at Homey Gallery, located at 3656 N. Lincoln in Chicago. If you haven't been to this gallery, make the effort. Being an avid gardener, I found a variety of indoor and outdoor pieces of which I had interest. One such piece was the rug shown below. It is a soft carpet of rock-like texture. I was intrigued.